If you need to return an unopened product, you have 30 days from the date you receive your shipment to do so. Once we receive and inspect the item at our designated warehouse, we’ll issue a refund minus shipping costs and a 20% restocking fee. Please note that shipping fees are non-refundable.
Before returning any items, you must obtain authorization from Cultivatextreme.com. Unauthorized returns will be sent back to the sender. After you request a return via phone, or email we’ll email you the return address along with instructions. If your original order included a quantity discount, we will adjust your refund if the remaining quantity falls below the required amount for that discount.
If your product from Cultivatextreme.com develops an issue after the initial 30-day return period but is still within the manufacturer’s warranty, we’re here to help you navigate the warranty claim process. The outcome, whether a refund, replacement, or repair, will depend on the manufacturer’s policies. Please note that refunds are not available after 90 days from delivery.
To be eligible for a return, products must meet the following criteria:
Cultivatextreme.com reserves the right to decline any return if the item is not in like-new condition. Returns will be rejected if the manufacturer’s packaging is damaged or missing. To protect the products and packaging, please ensure they are shipped back in a plain brown shipping box.
Customers are responsible for a 20% restocking fee, return shipping costs, and any freight charges required to return the item(s) to our warehouse in the same condition in which they were delivered. Cultivatextreme.com is not liable for any returned items that are damaged, lost, or stolen during transit.